Date when Cancellation of Contract is Notified Contracted Number of Guests
  1 to 14 15 to 30 31 to 100 101 to more
No Show 100% 100% 100% 100%
Accommodation Day 100% 100% 100% 100%
1 Day Prior to Accommodation Day 50% 50% 80% 80%
2 Day Prior to Accommodation Day 30% 30% 50% 50%
3 Day Prior to Accommodation Day 30% 30% 30% 50%
4 Day Prior to Accommodation Day (20%) 10% 30% 30% 30%
5 Day Prior to Accommodation Day (20%) 10%   20% 30%
6 Day Prior to Accommodation Day (20%)   20% 30%
7 Day Prior to Accommodation Day (20%)   10% 15%
14 Day Prior to Accommodation Day     10% 15%


1.The percentages signify the rate of cancellation charge to Basic Accommodation Charges.

2.When the number of days contracted is shortened, the cancellation charge for its first day shall be paid by the Guests regardless of the number of days shortened.
When part of a group booking (for 15 persons or more)is cancellation charge shall not be charged for the number of persons booked as 10 days prior to the occupancy (when accepted less than 10 days prior to the occupancy as of the date)with fractions counted as a whole number.

*Due to the extensive preparation for dinner.
Please make sure to arrive for dinner before 18:00.
Please contact us if you will check in the hotel after 18:00.
Last order for dinner will be at 18:30.